Wine Innovation Sweden is currently just a vision. The vision is to start with a small, passionate, flexible team that can grow and evolve with the industry. The concept is largely inspired by the industry research and development agencies in Australia (eg Australian Wine Research Institute, Australian Wool Innovation, Dairy Australia, Meat and Livestock Australia, Horticulture Australia, Grains Research and Development Corporation).
The Swedish wine industry is young, but is destined for grape things. The Guardian wrote about this (2022-12-18). Getting organised is primarily seen as the best way of increasing knowledge, credibility, and attracting funding to research.
Research and development. Outreach and education. Promotion of national industry. Support other public entities that have influence on the industry to make informed decisions.
It is not a place that should ever look to control the industry in any way, to set standards, or to increase administrative burdens on producers. Individual firms within the industry should not be promoted beyond services that synthesizing public information (i.e. lists of: current producers, current service providers, current wine events, current retailers focusing on Swedish wine, etc) or in news articles. No firm should be given preferential treatment, nor be given an unfair level of new coverage.
This won’t be easy. There will be a lot of enthusiasm, but very few resources. The collective enthusiasm will be greatest if the voices of industry are sort and heard. It will only remain if promises are kept and progress is made. Similarly, progress is the best way to attract resources.
A possible path to success includes finding an initial sponsor to provide start-up research funds and credibility. The LTV faculty at SLU Alnarp seems a likely candidate given the experience within this faculty and that Skåne is currently the epicenter of development. Two of the authors of The Nordic Light Terroir article are/ were from this faculty (and the other two are/ were close by). There are others in the faculty with an interest in wine production. Green Innovation Park at SLU Alnarp could also help with development.
R&D questions are expected, at the beginning, to come from the needs of the current and established producers. Preference should be given to projects with broad applicability, and high likelihood to get funded. This focus should with time diversify, but should at all times be lead by industry. Ideally, research is done in collaboration with as many producers as possible. Attempts should be made to encourage input from those previously less engaged, and to give weight to ideas from such sources. Decisions around choice of research focus and of funding should at all times be transparent.
Some funding should come from the producers themselves. A token per-bottle contribution might be a fair way of funding “Service to Industry” and “Our Fantastic Industry”. Hopefully most funds for research will come from other sources (VR, FORMAS, Vinnova, etc).
As of today, WIS is a one-man-show. That one man is gainfully employed as a researcher in Sweden, holds a PhD in Agricultural science, has his own ‘vineyard’ (ca. 50 vines), and has previsouly worked in viticulture. WIS is in disucssions with potential collaborators.